Business Week

Workforce Advantage Academy students’ first week of the school year is filled with activities to introduce them to the idea that they are a business of one — that they hold the power to change their own lives. Guests from the business, higher-education and military communities share their experiences and inspire the young people with the positive possibilities the future holds.

Then students break into small groups to explore career options, write resumes, work in teams and practice interviewing skills.

The week culminates in lunch, sponsored by Ken Hartsaw, CEO, to celebrate the students’ achievements and accomplishments.

Business Week 2014 Photo Gallery


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Current Workforce Employers


Our mission at Workforce Advantage Academy Inc. is to create learning environments for high school students, particularly those rising juniors and seniors who desire a different approach to reach their potential. Through attendance at Workforce Academy, our students develop the academic, employment and social skills that they need to build rewarding lives and promote positive change in their communities.