
Workforce Advantage Academy Charter School motivates and challenges high school juniors and seniors to strive to become all they can be by offering opportunities for them to succeed and build on those successes.

Experiential learning opportunities allow students to achieve academic excellence, employment success and social responsibility.

Teachers offer a hands-on approach to learning and present their classes with a skills-based focus, so students can apply what they learn in school to the workplace.

Teachers tailor their lessons to the needs and learning style of the individual students. If at first a student does not pick up on what’s taught, our faulty will find other approaches until the student understands the material.

Workforce Advantage Academy provides students with work experience while remaining in school and learning more about business and careers.

Orange County Public Schools and the State of Florida have accredited the school. It offers a core curriculum of English, math, science, social studies, business, transition to work and life management, with a special focus on improving skills necessary to pass the the state standardized tests.

During a student’s tenure at Workforce Advantage Academy, young men and women will develop a graduation plan for college, job placements, technical school, the military or some other goal. Students know what they will do on the Monday after graduation. They begin preparing on the first day of school.

Children do not grow into a successful adult in isolation. It takes a team approach, with parents, teachers, mentors and others participating in the learning process. Workforce Advantage Academy’s unique model blends additional components: careers, guidance, creative scheduling, small classrooms and business partners who support the school by hiring its students for paid internships, which provide opportunities to learn about different professions.

Coursework includes life skills as well as academics. Job coordinators match students’ interests with jobs offered by the school’s business partners and teach interviewing and resume writing skills. Business leaders then coach and mentor the student.

We employ a student-centered approach to education.

The student is the focus, and all resources are directed toward delivering the services necessary to obtain the desired results of success.

As stated by poet Daniel C. Mosley “Success does not result from chance but from a succession of successful days.” We model this process by providing successful activities each day. The activity may result from an interaction with one or more of the participants in the process. It is not enough for the event to occur in a vacuum. The event or activity must be processed with the student. Hence, we model the process and process the model. More than 90 percent of Workforce Academy students graduate with skills to succeed in the world.

Workforce Academy has to recruit its students each year, because we graduate our senior class. Those students have to be replaced with a new enrollment of students. We primarily recruit through a direct-mail campaign. Students are attracted to the academy from throughout the county, because it offers solutions that meet their immediate needs. First of all, they need to earn money and stay in school to graduate, WAA will find them jobs when they enroll in school. The academy teaches its students how to fish rather than give them a fish. Secondly, the campus is small and secure. The environment is safe, and a sense of family exists in such a way that students know that it is genuine. Students have come from as far away as Apopka, Ocoee, Wedgefield and Cypress Creek. WAA introduces students to different industries that may support their long-term career goals. Creating and maintaining this atmosphere of confidence and trust is critical to the overall success of the program.

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Student holistic development

Our students develop the academic, employment and social skills that they need to build rewarding lives and promote positive change in their communities.

Dedicated team of education professionals

Workforce Advantage Academy is operated by a dedicated team of education professionals, with no ties to a management company.

Experiential learning opportunities

Experiential learning opportunities allow students to achieve academic excellence, employment success and social responsibility.

Provides students with work experience

Workforce Advantage Academy provides students with work experience while remaining in school and learning more about business and careers.

Workforce Advantage Academy Charter School, an Orange County Public High School, offers juniors and seniors the opportunity to earn while they learn. Students spend half their time in a paid job, gaining valuable work experience while earning school credit as an elective for the internship.


Our mission at Workforce Advantage Academy Inc. is to create learning environments for high school students, particularly those rising juniors and seniors who desire a different approach to reach their potential. Through attendance at Workforce Academy, our students develop the academic, employment and social skills that they need to build rewarding lives and promote positive change in their communities.